How much does Boise love Halloween? Enough that there's been a Trunk-Or-Treat event somewhere in the Treasure Valley every weekend in October. 

The weather looks sort of sketchy for the ones scheduled for the weekend of October 22 and that may just put a wrench in your child's plan to pull in a huge haul of candy. Luckily, the weather for actual Halloween looks a lot wet. With a high of 59º, Sunday, October 31 looks like a great opportunity to make up for lost time in your own neighborhood.

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Coming home with the maximum amount of candy when trick-or-treating through the neighborhood takes a little planning and luckily there's a cool tool to help! Nextdoor has re-activated their Treat Map for 2021!

Members of the free social network for neighborhoods, can check-in and say whether or not they plan on handing out goodies this year.  If they select that they are, their home turns into an icon that looks like a Reese's cup. Neighbors who aren't going to be around to pass out treats, but still want families to check out their decorations can pick the "decorating" outside option to turn their house into a Haunted House icon. Doing both? The Treat Map has an option for that too. Selecting that one will turn your house into a friendly ghost because you ARE the ghost with the most!

Trick-or-treaters can see the Treat Map for the neighborhood their parents are subscribed to Nextdoor for. I live in Southeast Boise and it shows me where the treats are from Broadway Avenue clear out to the Harris Ranch. It's a great visual and clearly shows which parts of the neighborhood are more enthusiastic about seeing trick-or-treaters than others!

If you're a family that normally deserts your own neighborhood in favor of full size candy bars but are thinking about staying closer to home this year because Harrison Boulevard isn't putting on the Halloween production the normally does, this could be a great resource for you. Give it a try HERE! 

Treasure Valley Trunk-Or-Treat Guide 2021

Spooky Season is here and before you know it, the kids will be dressed up in their costumes and on the hunt for their favorite sweets! This is a round up of Trunk-Or-Treat events currently set for this Halloween season! Click the event for more details about what they have planned. Some have costumed contests. Others have adoptable pets in costume. If you're hosting one and would like to be added to our list click HERE.

7 of the Best Pumpkin Patches in Boise and Beyond

Whether you're carving, painting or baking these are six of the most fun places to pick out your pumpkins in 2021!

8 Popular Halloween Costume Ideas for Boise Kids

The hottest kids' costumes this year will be based on movies and video games, so you'll be seeing these at your doorstep on Sunday, October 31. Now, to decide what kind of candy to pass out...

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